Saturday, 18 February 2012

Love and the celebratory day of “St Valentines”

Valentine’s day is most traditionally associated with romantic love.
Romantic love is a spontanieos ,  hedonistic state that is so potent it has been forever expressed into songs, poetry and stories.
From Romeo and Juliet to the modern day Titanic story, the theme is unchanging and globally enjoyed with enthusiasm.
Passionate displays of tears can be seen and felt from the audiences wrapped in the perceivable experience of emotion and all this at the mere suggestion  of a love story that all know is fictional?!
Romantic love is thought to be the second most influential driving force in life second only in the human psyche to self survival, but even self preservation falls casualty to romantic love on occasion. Passionate stories of star crossed lovers being painfully separated pervade the classic ghost stories of lore where one or both lovers die, tragically unable to bear being apart from the other .
The belief in the mysterious soul mate still holds sway even in the heart of today’s modern minds, even people who often reject the idea of religious beliefs often still hold this secret longing at heart .
Nothing compares to it or can be out done by it and nothing will stop people in their pursuit of it either.
Age holds no accountability with romantic love. A man or women can be smitten with overwhelming romantic love at any time and any stage in life. No one ever loses the appetite and desire for it.
 This holds hope and intrigue within its grasp, a magical meeting of souls in a symphony of euphoric spiritual symmetry, paradise beyond expression in words.
Ultimately our very physical beings were inspired by romantic love on some level.  This life giving force that often comes hand in hand with romantic love imbues it with subtle supernatural powers pregnant with the potential for creation.
All the dimensions of love are essential to our very existence from the maternal love to friendship love, but none captures the hearts and imaginations more than the romantic love.
 Romantic love’s powerful position cannot be challenged with education or the power of our minds to understand it .
Love is our spiritual master and we can’t help but trifle with it, even when knowing we are but clay in its hands, but it cannot be denied and its transformative powers are often beautiful to witness.
Romantic love is the author of creation itself and for this act alone it deserves respect and honour in my opinion.

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